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    Friday, June 12, 2015

    Ways to extend Batery Life

    Some of the tricks that can be used inorder to extend the battery life of android devices. 
    If you have fault on your battery then you cannot simply extend the battery life by following any steps. You will need to change the battery. But if your battery is fine but still drain faster then you can follow these steps and see the difference.

    • Greenify
    Using greenify app can save battery life in a very different way. Greenify hibernates all the running apps, force stopping all of them which results in free ram memory and also low battery consumptions. If you want to use greenify or give it a try, then i have made a post about which you can check here.

    • Reducing the Brightness of the screen and reducing screen timeout.
    As you can see, the screen brightness consumes more battery life. About 10-80% of the battery juice is consumed by the brightness. Reducing the brightness can make battery last longer but you may have difficulty adjusting or using the phone at day time when the sun is shining bright. For that, you can adjust the brightness manually by going over to the settings and then to display. You can also enable auto brightness, but consumes comparatively more battery than adjusting manually. And also  you can adjust the screen timeout time to about 15s.

    • Turning of WiFi, Bluetooth, Gps / location service
    We generally leave these process on which will be consuming the power unknowingly. Even though these Wifi, bluetooth, gps, sim data are designed to consume less power, leaving them on will consume some amount of battery juice. So, we can disable them when we donot need.  As long as we donot need them, we can turn the location service off. 

    • Disable Data Traffic and switch to 2g if you have better coverage.
    Disabling data will also increase the battery life in some extent. As some application uses background data like gmail, playservices, systemUi, for checking the available updates, notifications and messages its better if you disable or restrict background data and turn them off when you donot use data. 2g network consumes less power that 3g. Yes surfing in 2g is slower than on 3g but if you have a better network coverage and can surf internet in 2g data, doi it and also turnoff data if you are not using them.

    • Use wifi if available, avoid data
    Using data consumes about 15% while using wifi consumes only 5% of battery life. And while making calls or watching some videos online, data tends to consume more power than wifi. So prefer wifi for these stuffs than data and turn both of while not using.

    • Unnecessary Widgets and Live Wallpapers
    Live wallpapers are designed to keep moving even while the screen goes out. So use a static wallpaper than using the live one as it tends to consume more battery power. Darker wallpapers can also help than using brighter or white wallpapers because to display white, the led of your screen needs to glow more. Up to 10% battery life can be saved by doing so. And also avoid using unnecessary widgets on your home screen. Widgets consumes more Ram Memory and thus consumes battery power too.

    • Turning Off Vibrations and Disabling auto Sync
    Unnecessary vibrations like while pressing a key or typing each words will surely  drain the battery. Better you disable this feature by going over to the keyboard settings. And also you can disable touch vibrations / Heptic Feedback. Also disabling auto sync can help u gain a bit battery power. This feature constantly checks up for new mails and updates. So it will be running most of the times. You can also disable this feature or enable Wifi only mode to save battery.

    • Avoid OverCharging / using while charging
    Charging for a whole day or leaving it to charge all night will affect the condition of the battery. Usually charging a battery takes up to 2-3 hrs. But leaving it to charge all night while u sleep is not a good idea. And also using your phone while charging not only damages the battery but is also dangerous. There are some cases about exploding phones on the face while picking up a call with its charging cable plugged in. Phone may overheat also if its used while charging. So be careful.

    • Debloat / Uninstall unnecessary apps
    Debloating means removing unnecessary apps that are installed withing the phone while purchasing or installing new roms. For this process your phone needs root access or needs to be rooted. This allows freeing up some ram memory and battery life. Uninstalling unnecessary and old apps will also extend the battery life as it will reduce the unknown background process, background datas and other auto features.  And donot leave an application open. You can also clear the recent app list after you finish using an app.

    • Rooting
    Rooting may have many draw backs but it will also open up the gates to perform additional steps to increase battery life and maintain performance. Like you can perform debloating on your device/ uninstall system apps, cpu clocking,  installing custom roms, custom kernals and many more.

    • Cpu Underclocking
    If your device have root access then you can underclock your cpu inorder to extend your battery life. Yes, underclocking will sacrifice the performance but will increase the battery. You can use various cpu tuner apps over the market to set the frequency of your device. But be careful while using these sort of apps as it can make your phone behave insane.

    • Installing Custom Roms / Kernals
    Developers are working hard to optimize the installed rom on android device for better battery life, smoother performance and better interference. There are many custom roms available which are battery optimized. You can take a look around and search for a suitable rom and can give it a try. 

    I may have missed some of the other stuffs that we can do in order to save the battery life. I would love to have it on the list. Feel free to contact or drop in a comment.
    Have a great day!
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